Monday, 20 June 2011

This is the End

Many aspects of this course I knew of but didn't use myself. Hence, first blog, first Facebook account, first Twitter account etc. My personal favourite was LibraryThing - lots of fun :)

If only there had been more time...

Trying to squeeze in time to do this in my very limited off desk hours has been tricky. And it didn't help that I had 2 weeks leave and that my off desk hours conincided with several Monday public holidays as well.


This looks like a potentially fun thing to do but maybe not for me. A 'high tech treasure hunt'.

It sounds like it would be complicated (or at least a fair amount of work) to set up but geocaching could be used as a fun way to help people familiarise themselves with all the great things the library has to offer. Or geocaching could be used as a tie-in with different library displays and events.


I listened to my first podcast today - some fascinating snippet from Scientific American. I've yet to find a favourite podcast but the ABC has an amazing range that you can search by subject or by network.

I like Casey's idea of using podcasts for our oral history collection. It would be a great way to publicise and promote our local and oral history.

Online video

I actually rarely use Youtube. Though this may all change now that I know I can watch old episodes of the Famous Five on it!

I used to love this show back in the day and I had no idea that it was based on a series of books. I was pretty excited the day I went to Fremantle Library and found a Famous Five book on the shelf!

Anyway, back on topic... it was incredibly simple to embed video from Youtube on to my blog. Accessing online videos via Youtube you realise there is something on there for everyone from the serious to pure entertainment. Lots of fun.

Famous Five TV show (1978 - 1979)

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Facebook and Twitter

Okay, so today I created my very own Facebook account.  I am in the 'anti' Facebook camp for all the usual reasons.  Plus I've seen The Social Network and if that is in any way an accurate portrayal of 'Zuckerberg', there is reason enough to give Facebook a very wide berth...!

Still, willing to at least give it a go for the sake of completing this course.  I WILL COMPLETE THIS COURSE!

As for Twitter...
I almost tweeted last week when our guest speaker was at the library but then no one at work knew our twitter password.  Today I signed up with twitter and started 'following' some rather random tweeters. To be honest I still haven't tweeted myself. Will do so tomorrow.


Yes, she does have her head on my pillow...

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Delicious versus shelving

Hmmm, Delicious...
This one is not quite as fun as LibraryThing.  It is interesting though. Much more interesting than shelving which is what I need to go and do right now :)
Here is a link to my Delicious:

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

LibraryThing is fun

I really love LibraryThing. All I've done so far is to start compiling a long totally random list of books I like.  Everything from books I loved when I was a kid to stuff I read last weekend. Lots of fun! And obviously I have much more to do and explore here.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Commenting on 'comments'

I have just spent a frustrating and pointless time trying to leave comments on other blogs with no success. SO ANNOYING! 


So I've created my own wiki with wetpaint and I cannot think of a single thing to write on it or what I would do with it.  It is just sitting there looking all pretty and empty. 

Had a look at some other wikis such as the Learning 2.0 wiki and found it all a bit confusing and messy to read through.

I find our Library wiki very useful and I think it works well as a tool for everyone to share information. 

Friday, 15 April 2011

My New York Subway

The NYC subway in 2010, looking way more inviting than the 1973 photos from Flikr.

Monday, 11 April 2011

RSS Feeds

Finally found the time to add some RSS feeds today.  I'm not sure how useful I will find this - will need a couple of weeks of actually using it I think.

Persephone Books
Guardian newspaper Top 10 books
The New Yorker Book Bench
New York Public Library Flikr photostream

Saturday, 9 April 2011

New York Subway



Here are some delightful photos I found on Flikr.  They are from the U.S National Archives photostream and were taken in May 1973.  The subway trains that I took last year looked nothing like these pics.  Maybe I will bore you all further by posting one of my own subway photos so you can see the difference for yourselves...

The subway is a great way to get around NYC but I also walked and got the occasional cross town bus.  I usually just followed my sister around because we established early on that I have a fairly poor sense of direction and not the best map reading skills either.  Oh well.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Mouse House

I need advice on how to get rid of the mice that have taken up residence in my house.  I have less than 2 weeks before my sister arrives in Perth to stay with me and she will probably get the first plane back to London if she finds out she is co-habiting with rodents! 

I have several traps set up around the house and have tried peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, cheese, nuts and nutella as bait.  So far I have only caught one mouse (with peanut butter).  Everyday I see them scurrying in and out of my kitchen and every night they leave droppings all over my kitchen counter (which is scrubbed down every night and all food stuffs locked away securely).  The galling thing is that often there will be mouse droppings in close proximity to the traps but the bait in the trap is untouched. 

HELP!!!  I am considering trying poison next...  but who knows if they will even eat it?!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Breakfast in New York

Yum!  A diner breakfast in NYC with my sister, April 2010.  Happy memories...

First post

Here we go... 

This is actually kind of fun - any excuse to put up a picture of my new favourite city and I am happy!

I read the occasional blog but writing one is a whole new thing for me.